Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What knowledge i have connected with past knowledge 2.

There was a few new things introduced in biochemistry lecture. A few of these topics are subjects that i had touched on previously but just glanced over very quickly and didn't really get much from it. But after a few lectures I have been able to tie things together from what I had previously learned. For example when going over glycolysis I remembered talking about the process in other bio classes and hearing about the different intermediates used in the process but never knew the importance of these at all. The intermediates are an access point for glycolysis to occur and that things such as monosaccharides are converted to one of these intermediates to allow it to go through glycolysis.
Another concept i was able to better understand was the citric acid cycle. I was not aware that it was so important and used in all cells that use a form of oxygen for respiration. And that in aerobic organisms the process is very important in the conversion of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins into a usable energy source.


  1. Very nice and directly stated post entry. Makes a great follow through with the post of explaining glucose entering the body and the production of energy post on how to explain it to a friend. This biochemistry class was definately not a glance over subject. And it did put both glycolysis and the citric acid cycle into better context regarding intermediaries as you pointed out.

  2. Glad to hear that you are learning more in dept to these subjects. Sometimes what you learn in the past were not very clear. But when you take a course relative to it, you tend to get a better idea of it.
