Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Reflecting back on the course, what are three major themes you would identify that connect the various topics discussed in this course – how are they

If I had to choose three major themes to describe this course would be the production of energy, production of enzymes, and the storage mechanisms in cells. These are connected to many aspects of the course such as glycolysis and the citric acid cycle for energy production and the many intermediate enzymes used in the various cycles and processes. There was also a lot of talk about metabolism which involved many storage mechanisms within both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. And metabolism is the production of energy which was discussed throughout the course.
I learned a lot about these three different aspects though as I did not know how much is put into the production of energy and all of the various steps involved in energy producing processes and all of the enzymes and substances involved in each step. Also these enzymes are always very specific too which is extremely important for the processes to be successful. And that storage mechanisms like glycogen which is used for long term storage of energy. I would say that in all these three topics cover a good deal of what is discussed in biochemistry.

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